Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Week...New Hope!

I wanted to get a post on here yesterday but circumstances beyond my control turned a 6 hour car ride into 12 hours. So with the long car ride behind us we woke up this morning to find that the hole had some activity going on in it yesterday.They started putting in the forms so they could pour the cement.Cement pouring I was told was set to begin tomorrow, we are keeping our fingers crossed.

Here is a current picture of the hole and as you can see the forms are ready for the cement(tomorrow).As I said before let's keep our fingers crossed. Not that I don't trust our contractor but to me and I am by no means an expert,this to me seems like it would only take a few hours to do and not 2 whole days? Now keep in mind that I don't know anything about construction,and also keep in mind I am still suffering from frustration hangover from last week and lack of sleep as well. So maybe that is a 2 day job who knows? 

This was taken from the corner and the more I look at it the harder it is to believe this will be part of the house.Looking at it also reminds me that $75,000 really doesn't buy you much when it comes to home renovations.It would also be nice if I had any kind of carpentry skills at all but I don't.Not that I would try to tackle a project this size,working full time I just wouldn't have the time and I would probably end up on that show Disater D.Y.I.

What we have here is a picture of that footing that doesn't extend all the way across,like it should.You can see were the footing stops and the wall looks like it was just put on a pile of sand.This is not up to code because there is nothing there to carry the load of the new part of the house,thus the problem needs to be addressed. We all ready went over what was going to be done for this and hopefully nothing more will need to change

There you have it on the construction front.Money wise, my brother handed me a bill from the electrician for $594 and $450 of that was for labour(ouch!).I am definitely in the wrong business.Now with this last bill that brings up the total spent so far $17,587.Hard to tell at this point if we are on budget or not.Something tells me we are not,but that could just be the pessimist in me coming out.

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