Tuesday, October 5, 2010

OK,Drywall Next....Really!!

OK,so I thought the drywall was going to be started yesterday.When that didn't happen,I thought well, OK today they will start the drywall.This didn't happen either.

I am thinking they will start the drywall tomorrow....or should I say I hope they start the drywall tomorrow!!Once that gets going then we are almost home free.It's just paint and flooring after that.

We are getting closer!!

Lets take a look at the pictures from the last couple of days....

Here is the new porch.

The pot lights in the porch.These look really good,I am glad we decided to do this.

Ceiling getting ready for drywall.

Those were a few of the pictures from the last couple of days.

Stay tuned for more......

1 comment:

  1. Looking really nice,hopefully the drywalling goes quicker than the outside of the house went. Nice to see you will have a side porch, I wouldn't have thought of that.

    Keep up the good work Derek, I love being able to see the updates.

