Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Still Not In.........

I just thought I would post a quick update and let you know that, NO we are not in the house yet.

You probably might have thought otherwise since I have not posted an update in well over a week.But the truth is it was flu that kept me from updating the blog and not the fact that I was busy moving things into the house.

And don't worry I would at least tell you when we were moved in.

So how close are we you might ask?

Well we are really close to the end.There is just the kitchen floor left to go in and some small little odd jobs here and there.

Then after all that is done we need to pass a final inspection and then we will have the green light to move in.Our contractor figures he has maybe another day of work left to do.

Now you might think that with only having a day left of work we would be in the house this week sometime.

You would be wrong to think that though.

Our contractor has other jobs on the go and can only squeeze us in on the week-ends,thus dragging the last little bit of work out even longer.

In all fairness to our contractor he was not supposed to be putting the floors in our house as we had somebody else lined up for this.Unfortunately that fell through and we had to ask our contractor if he could fit this into his work load.That's the reason this last bit is taking longer than it should.

Had we asked him to do our floors right from the start of the job, we would probably be living in the house by now.But we thought we were saving money going with someone that was cheaper or so we thought.We all know how that turned out.

If there is one thing that I have learned from this whole thing,it is that cheaper is not always better.In fact what we thought was cheaper ended up costing us time and extra money.

So that's all I have report for now.I will update with some more pictures I promise!!

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