With that being said, I was told by our contractor that he had a job to finish out of town,so this means that he won't be around for a couple of days.Having only 2 other guys on his crew,who will obviously be with him,we definitely know nothing is happening here tomorrow.
Let's get on with the pictures,
Pictured here is where the sump pump will be.I finally got inside the hole and took some pictures.I figured it was about time to get down into here and get some pictures.
Here we have a shell of a wall.You can see part of the support beam which I am sure was not easy to get in.That beam was super heavy, but I didn't hear any swearing while I was in the house,so I guess it went ok.It's in there,that's all that matters.
We have here the support beam in full view.It looks good all freshly painted.Even though this beam put us a little more out of the budget,$2500 worth,it's going to be nice to have the space.Of course space always comes at a price.
Here would be the gip rock and underneath the rock we have weeping tile,so I was told. I can't verify this because I have no idea what weeping tile looks like.With my lack of construction knowledge I'm just going by what I am told.
That concludes the picture portion of this post in what was a productive day around here.Not to mention that my parents came over and cleaned the yard for us which was great and now it looks better.My mom even cut the front lawn,because she knows how much I love cutting the lawn(sarcasm).
It's nice to have them close to come over and lend a hand or in this case do most of the work.I did help my dad lift a couple of heavy rocks into the back of the truck.And that was the extent of my helping. My dad said hopefully we will stop having offers to move in with people when they go by.
With that we end another day here in the construction zone.The next part of the build I am told is the tarring,which could possibly take place on Saturday,but we won't hold our breath.
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