I thought today since there was not going to be anything happening on the construction front I would talk a little bit about my thoughts of this whole situation and trying to deal with it and everything else.
We knew going into this construction that it would be a true test of how calm and relaxed we could remain.My wife and I are known as people who just kind of go with the flow not really letting to much get to us.
That was then!
This is now!
As much as I like seeing work being done here,I know for myself that it just feels like it's costing me extra money for some reason.I have no idea if my wife feels the same, but she also does not have the same paranoid, pessimistic attitude that I have.You know the attitude were everyone is out to rip you off somehow!
And you will find if your going to go through your own renovations that everyone will be out to get a piece of you,this much I have learned.From permits,to hydro disconnection fees,to a different type of home owners insurance because even though your house is already insured,you need a construction type of home insurance.That my friends has costs us $150 up front and then an extra $30 or so a month while the construction is going on.
Then of course the town will be here after all the construction is done to re-evaluate the worth of our house and then I am sure our taxes will shoot up,which we can't wait for.
But the thing of this is, it's still working out cheaper to go this route then to buy a house.
Of course I might be changing my mind by the end of all this!
Time will tell!!
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