Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's Been Awhile

I know it's been awhile since the last update,(about a week or so)I figured it was about time to get you up to speed.

Now you may be thinking that a lot has gone on in that week,but that's not the case.Our contractor is finishing up on another job so he can only get to our place on the week-end.Thus during the week not much happens.That's OK though because we know he is doing what he can for us to get the house ready as soon as he can. 

Let's look at some pictures...

The finished tile.Well sort of, it still needs to be grouted. 

Here you can see the tile border which we think looks really good.

The stairs going up to the new part.These were done with the same flooring that we used in the rest of the house.We were going to do the stairs with the tile, but we changed our mind and went with this instead.

Here is another look at the stairs.

As you can see here this ledge on the side of the stairs was done with the flooring we used in the house.Our contractor came with this idea because we really had no idea what to do there and we didn't really think to much about it.So this was a nice surprise when we seen this.

Another look at the ledge.That long brown thing on the stairs is a piece of rubber that is going to go on the edge of the ledge.

The new pot lights in the kitchen.

That gets you all up to date on the house.I will post updates as things move along.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Floor Update

We had a surprise today when we looked out the window and seen our contractor at the house.

Yes on a Sunday.

We thought maybe he was just dropping something off and would carry on with his day,but he did stay for a few hours.After he left, we went over to sneak a peak to see what was done.

Here are a few pictures of today's events...

Here is the bathroom floor.

A close up of the barthroom floor.

A look at the tile in the entrance.As you can see there is just a little bit left to do.

Another view of the tile.We can't wait to see how this will look against the kitchen floor.

A close up of the tile.

That concludes the days work,which for us was not expected so it was a nice surprise.We know he is doing his best to try and balance everything out with his other jobs and this one.

It's been a long haul for everybody involved no doubt.I know the people helping us want to see us in the house, as much as we want to be in there.And I am sure our contractor wants to get this job off his plate and get on with his life.We wouldn't mind getting on with ours as well.

We are getting closer......I think??

Saturday, November 20, 2010


It's been a few days since the last update so I thought I would get you up to speed on the house.

Now it's not too say that a lot has gone on this week.Well actually not much has happened until today that is.

Our contractor was there today doing the trim.He usually doesn't work Saturday but because he is down a man he has to try to squeeze us in when he can.

This usually can only happen on Saturday since he is tied up during the work on his other job,which we understand.

Anyway enough of that lets look at the pictures....

Our closet with the trim around it and the doors ready to be installed.

More trim in our room.

And more trim in our room.

OK we are going to switch rooms.This is our son Alexs' room.

And one final picture of Alexs' room.

So you are all caught up for now.I will post pictures as things move along.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Floor Update

I know I promised about 3 or 4 days ago that I would update the site with hopefully pictures of our nice new floor.As you can tell this didn't happen.

Our contractor came to my work on Friday morning and breaks the news to me that our floors were not done properly.

DAMN.....was my first thought.Why would they be done right by somebody who apparently knows what he is doing.That would only make things easier.

So our contractor tells me that he can't hang the doors or do the trim with the floors the way they were.He also tells me that once we start to put furniture and some weight on the floor,the boards will start to pop and crack.

Not good I thought.

He then tells me that he would pull up the floors and put them back in at no charge.Which was great because he saved me from having to tell the other guy that it was done wrong and he had to redo it.Since the other guy who was doing our floors really hates our contractor,this probably would not have gone over too well I am thinking.

Anyway our contractor returned on Saturday and pulled up all the floors in the new part and then re-did them the correct way.

And what a difference.You can really tell from when they were first done to what they look like now.It just looks totally different.

I did take some pictures, but you can't tell in the pictures because I would have had to take some close ups of the floor at both stages.The incorrect way and the correct way.I didn't do that because I didn't think anything was wrong in the first place.

So that is were we sit right now and we also have a couple of doors hung and some trim up.

Now all that is left is the floors in the old part,which our contractor will do and the rest of the trim as well.Also the new bathroom needs to be done and then we can move in.

I think????

Thursday, November 11, 2010

More Flooring

The work continued on getting the flooring installed and the new part of the house is almost done.There is just a little bit in the master bedroom left.

Here are a few pictures from today.....

The floor in the master bedroom with all the dusty foot prints and all. 

Here you can see part of the floor that still needs to be done.That will be done tomorrow and then porcelain tile will be started on Saturday.

There was just a few pictures from today of the flooring part of the renovation.It seems like each step closer we get to being done it goes by painfully slow.The painting seemed like it took forever and now the flooring seems to be dragging on.Of course it doesn't really help that our floor guy can only work at night, thus making this drag even worse.

We were starting to doubt ourselves tonight on getting somebody else to do the floors for us because we thought this might have been the cheaper route.After talking to my brother tonight, we found out that maybe that wasn't the case. Apparently he was talking with our contractor and he was telling my brother what he charges to put in flooring,which turned out to be not that bad.The other plus to that would have been that he would be able to do it during the day,for the whole day because that is his job.The other guy we have doing it right now can only come at night after he gets off work,which makes this whole thing drag even more.

You know I tell you if it's not one thing it's another with this whole renovation thing.We have held up pretty good up until this point.I know for myself now it is starting to really get to me...big time!! I think with Christmas coming up I just want to get into the house and get settled before the holiday season starts.And that's the part that is starting to get to me.You know it's going to be rush,rush to get the house cleaned and sorted out and before we can really get settled in,it will be Christmas.With Christmas it will be rush,rush again and it seems like there will not be any downtime to get into a routine and settled down.

Anyway that is my little rant for now!!

Part two will come tomorrow........

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


OK, I know it has been awhile since I have posted any updated pictures of the house.For some reason, it has been a challenge to find the time to post anything lately.I know, it is no excuse and I will try to get my act together.

I know I have not posted in a week, but I still have been taking pictures so do not worry.Since some of my dedicated readers are going through withdrawals, lets get on with the pictures. 

Here is a picture of the bathroom. 

Here is another picture of the bathroom with the light.This picture looks a little darker than the first one,which is not what the actual color looks like,so just focus on the light.

This is a picture of the hallway.The picture makes the paint look just a little darker than it really is.  

Another picture of the hallway.This is closer to what the color is.It is lighter than the first picture shows.It is hard to get the right pictures of the paint colors with the limited lighting in the house. 

Our son Sam hard at work painting. 

Sam displaying his painting talents.

The new floors in our in our son Alex`s room.The floors are a little dusty right now,so just picture them all nice and clean.

This is a picture of the porcelain tile that is going into our entrance way. We were going to use ceramic tile, but the guy at Home Depot told us that porcelain tile is more durable and better for high traffic area.

There you are all up to date on the house.They will continue with the flooring tomorrow, working in our bedroom next.It still looks like we are a few weeks from getting in the house,which is such a disaster right now with stuff everywhere.Whenever I go over to take pictures it seems like more stuff piles up from out of nowhere. There is about an inch of dust on everything,so that will need to be taken care of before we move in.

We just need to remind ourselves it will all be worth it in the end.

I promise the next update will be a little sooner than the last one!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some Paint Pictures For Your Pleasure...............

So we have a couple of rooms painted.The baby's room and our room are painted so far.Up next is the bathroom and then the hallway.After all that, the floor will go in.

We hope to have the floor started by the beginning of next week.After the floor is in, our contractor will come back and do the trim and hang the doors.Then we can move in. 

But lets not get ahead of ourselves.It doesn't seem like a lot when I type it, but it actually is still probably a few weeks before we can move in.

Here are a couple of pictures.....

This is a wall in the baby's room.The green is a lot brighter than the picture shows.But with the dark floors,crib and dresser it will look really good.

Here is our bedroom.

Another picture of our bedroom.i tried to do a close up so you  could see the color but it still didn't show the color very well. 

There it is a quick painting update.

More to come...........