Here are a few pictures from today.....
The floor in the master bedroom with all the dusty foot prints and all.
Here you can see part of the floor that still needs to be done.That will be done tomorrow and then porcelain tile will be started on Saturday.
There was just a few pictures from today of the flooring part of the renovation.It seems like each step closer we get to being done it goes by painfully slow.The painting seemed like it took forever and now the flooring seems to be dragging on.Of course it doesn't really help that our floor guy can only work at night, thus making this drag even worse.
We were starting to doubt ourselves tonight on getting somebody else to do the floors for us because we thought this might have been the cheaper route.After talking to my brother tonight, we found out that maybe that wasn't the case. Apparently he was talking with our contractor and he was telling my brother what he charges to put in flooring,which turned out to be not that bad.The other plus to that would have been that he would be able to do it during the day,for the whole day because that is his job.The other guy we have doing it right now can only come at night after he gets off work,which makes this whole thing drag even more.
You know I tell you if it's not one thing it's another with this whole renovation thing.We have held up pretty good up until this point.I know for myself now it is starting to really get to me...big time!! I think with Christmas coming up I just want to get into the house and get settled before the holiday season starts.And that's the part that is starting to get to me.You know it's going to be rush,rush to get the house cleaned and sorted out and before we can really get settled in,it will be Christmas.With Christmas it will be rush,rush again and it seems like there will not be any downtime to get into a routine and settled down.
Anyway that is my little rant for now!!
Part two will come tomorrow........
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