Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Electrical Passed...Now On With The Insulation

We had the electrical inspector in today to check things out and everything passed.Now that the electrical has got the approval,it now means our contractor can start work on the inside.So we are getting closer as he told us today.

I want to thank Mike for coming over and helping my brother get the electrical ready for today.It is really great to have friends willing to give up their time to help us out,it is greatly appreciated.And of course a BIG thank-you to my brother for doing all the electrical for us,for free.We can't even begin to imagine what this would have cost us to get it done by a licensed electrician.He has saved us thousands of dollars.I don't think we could ever repay him.Not only has he saved us money,he has kept an eye on our contractor keeping him in line, making sure things are getting done without sending us to the poor house.All we can say is thank-you Dave so much for being there and having our back and just being a great brother!!!Thank-you again!!

The Pro Gas guys were back and they were continuing with the duct work and installing the air exchanger.I am not too sure how much longer they will be at the house,maybe two more days or so.

Our contractor framed in our little cubby hole and part of the old basement.He also installed the new front door as well. 

The New Door

The Air Exchanger

Furnace With The Cover On
There was a few of the pictures from today.Things are starting to roll along, but every time we walk into the house to take the pictures,we still feel so far from being able to move into our home.We just look around and see all the little things that still need to be done and it seems like a lot that needs to be done before we can go home.

But at least we are getting there.

1 comment:

  1. The front of the house looks great!

    Wonderful thankyou to your brother - that's what family is for, and a great job too. Things really are moving now, not to worry you will be in by Christmas!

