Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Slow Day

Today was a slow day on the construction front with only the new guy there pretty much by himself for the day.

Our contractor was there in the morning for an hour with his usual helper and the new guy.Then our contractor left for the rest of the day, showing up again at about 4pm for an hour.The other guy he usually works with left at about 1pm,thus leaving the new guy on his own until our contractor came back.

Lets take a look a what went down today.... 

What you see here a material they put up to help insulate the walls.It's exact name escapes me at the moment,even though I was told what it was. 

Here is just another picture of the wall covered in that nice black material.

I took this picture because it looks like we are getting some mould on the wall in what is to be our new bathroom.You can see in the top right corner of the picture, the moisture that is behind the plastic.They are going to be fixing this wall so this issue will be taken care of.This was the only part that had mould on it.I should say this is the only part with mould we have found so far.

This picture is looking into our kitchen cupboard from the new part.The picture has nothing to do with what went on today,but I figured it was funny being able to look into the cupboard.Fortunately for us this wall was going to be drywalled over anyway,so no harm done.

Well there it is in all it glory the days events.It was not a productive day....I guess I shouldn't put it like that,I wish more happened than what did.That sounds more politically correct.

Lets hope that tomorrow is a better day.


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