Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Big 50

No I am not turning fifty,lets clear that up right away.I do however feel like it sometimes.It is though the fiftieth post on the blog, which I thought was pretty cool.When I first started the blog I actually didn't think I would get to this point,I figured I would have bailed on this awhile ago!

That's just the way I usually roll!!Start something and then bail!

But I have surprised myself and it has actually been a lot of fun posting the pictures and talking about what's going on with the house.And of course the occasional rant,what every blog needs to be complete.

Anyway lets get on with the reason you are even

What we have here is a retaining wall and what they have done is poured cement behind the wall to fix that footing and add extra support.The wall will be taken down obviously when the cement has dried.

Here is just a picture of the cement behind the wall.Again this was done to fix that footing that did not extend all the way over on the old part.We still have no idea why they would not have put the footing all the way across.Of course back in the old days when the house was built, they probably didn't think about support issues in the future.Back in those days as well, you had friends and family build houses, so it wasn't like it was done by a professional contractor.Keep in mind too back then there was no building codes or inspectors or anything like that,so there was no worries about stuff like proper footings and such.

This is just another view of the hole.It goes down pretty deep as you can see.I still don't know what this would have to do with tearing up the driveway?

That is all on the construction part.As for the furnace guys,they were supposed to be in this week but I am thinking that our contractor told them to hold off.I think he probably wanted to get this footing issue fixed first and then bust that wall out in the old part of the basement,before the furnace guys come in.

As for tomorrow,I am not too sure if they are done with the footing or not and ready to move on to something else?And if they are ready to move on I am not too sure what the next step is.

I guess we will see!


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