Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Roof Continues

With another cool day here, they continued their work on the roof.It is now starting to come together and it's nice to see those crappy shingles gone! Woo Hoo!!

Of course I did take some pictures, but the only thing with them doing work on the roof, it's hard to get a real good picture.I just can't get a close up shot unless I climb up on the roof.

Which I might do!

The things I would do for you guys!!

Remember it's all about the pictures and here are some now......

Like I said it's hard to see the colour of the shingles,I tried to zoom in but I couldn't get a good shot.Those boards there are so they don't slip off the roof.It's not some fancy roof design or anything like that.

I took this picture from across the road at my parents house.I wanted to get all of the roof in there and that's hard to do when your close up.So I moved back and there you go.You can see they almost have the one side done.They do have the new roof all shingled,I just can't get a picture of it because there is nowhere to stand on the other side of the house.

With that you are all caught up on the action.The other guy that normally works with our contractor was not there today,so it was only him and the new guy.What happened to the other guy? I have no idea.I know the last time he was not here for a few days he was working on another job with somebody else,so who knows.

You can see that big bin there which you would think was being filled,but it's not.There is actually only a few pieces of plastic in there and that's it.I don't know if it is there so when they are done shingling the roof, they can start taking the old siding off right away?This would be nice since I can't stand to look at that siding anymore either!

I was told last week by our contractor that they were coming to pour the floor in the basement, today actually.Of course there was no sign of any concrete truck anywhere.Hopefully it gets poured before the week-end, because I am pretty sure we have the furnace guys coming in next week sometime and they need that floor in,so they can do their thing.If they show up here and there is no floor in, I am not too sure what will happen? Let's hope it doesn't come to that. 

With that being said I will end the post on that note!!


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