Friday, August 6, 2010

The New Addition Has Arrived!!

I thought I would post a little update,which could also turn into a long winded post,so we will just see were this goes.

As you can tell by the title of the post we had our little bundle of joy Alex Thomas arrive to us today at about 4pm this afternoon.

My wife was not actually due until the 10th of August, but the doctor felt it was important that I was there for the birth, so we decided(us and the doctor)last week, that they would induce my wife today.And the way things went today that was a good choice, because if I had to drive 6 hours to get down here I would not have made it in time to see my son born.They broke her water at 12pm and boom(I'm sure it felt longer to my wife) here he was out at 4pm,so I would not have made it.

I'm glad we set things up this way because I would not have wanted to miss this for the world!!

When we first had this idea of having the baby down here(Brantford,On) the plan was for me to actually be up north right now and when things got rolling along with the birth, I would hop in the car and get here as fast as I could.Both my wife and I knew that I would probably miss the birth and we were right.

I would have!

Now looking back at the days events, I am glad that I got another week off and was able to be down here.I was worried that my work would say no when I asked for another week off.Two weeks off in a row where I work is a HUGE no,no!! Since I really do not like my job to begin with, had they told me no, I probably would have told them that I am taking parental leave and not to expect me back....ever!!

Sometimes you need to put things into perspective and realize what really matters in life.Would I have left my job had I be denied the time off?

I can honestly answer.... yes!

I am all ready on the edge of my wits with that job and that would have been just the push I needed.There are a few events in life you should not miss and seeing your child being born is one of them.

When I was holding Alex for the first time today I thought to myself,"wow I was really going to miss this for work?" "I work in a grocery store,what the hell was I thinking?"

Since I have no picture of the house addition I thought I would post one of the new addition....

                                         Alex Thomas Foucault 7lbs 3oz

There you have it,the days most important event.Mom and baby are doing well and we await their arrival home on Friday!!We did have action on the house today, but I will post that stuff tomorrow(or later today since it is after 12am) since today was all about Alex!!

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